Stats, ATs, and Other Bookkeeping

Stat ATs Stat ATs
ST: Strength (Str) 9 HP: Hit Points (HP) 12 n/a
DX: Dexterity (Dex) 12 1
IQ: Intelligence (Int) 15 4 Willpower (Wil) 17 4
PER: Perception (Wits) 15 1
HT: Health (Sta) 14 3 FP: Fatigue Points 14
Derived Stats
Stat ATs Form Stat
Initiative 0 Floor(avg[Dex&Wit]) 13
Basic Speed 0 (HT+DX)/4 6.5
Basic Move 0 Floor(Speed) 6
Dodge 0 Floor(Speed)+3 9
Perception N/A
Health 0 HT 14

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Trait ATs pts Page Notes
Ambidexterity N/A 5 G4: 39 Allows use of a weapon (or anything else) in off hand without the usual -4 DX penalty.
Charisma??? 1 -- ?? ?? See Chap 58.
Sense of Duty N/A -2 G4: 153 She feels a sense of duty to her sister. She'll protect her above any others, and will risk herself on her sister's behalf.
Pacifist (Self-Defense) N/A -15 G4: 148 Will only fight in defense of self or others who are close. Will never start a fight, and will try to get others to negotiate before fighting.
Languages N/A 0 G4: 23-24 Bretonian: She has a native understanding and is fully literate.
6 Old Worlder: She has a native understanding and is fully literate.
2 Nipponese: She speaks simply and with a strong accent, and cannot follow quick or complicated speech. She is completely illiterate.
Dislikes snakes N/A G4: 164 She will go well out of her way to avoid snakes, and will ask someone else to remove or kill one that's in her way.
Duty/Obligation N/A Defender/protector of the Druidic Temple (Deacon)
Afraid of the Dark N/A G4: 148-150 After an encounter with a horrifying and hostile specter, she cannot bear to be in complete darkness. She gets a terrible cold chill everytime she's in the dark and she must sleep with a nightlight of some sort (candle).
She will not go into a dark room unless forced, and she must always have at least a small light. If her life is in danger, she will withstand the dark, but only if necessary.
If dark happens, roll against willpower.
Distinctive Feature N/A Quirk G4: 22 Her hair is stark white with 6 black streaks. See Chapter 62

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Skill Page Dif Default Pts Modifiers Target ATs
Acrobatics G4: 174 Hard DX-6 12 +2 DX 14
Can be added to many dex-based movements. But not climbing.
Cartography G4: 183 Avg IQ-5 12 +3 IQ 18 1
She can make good maps on the fly, beautiful maps with time and materials, read maps others have drawn, and relate her surroundings into a mental map so she usually knows where she is.
Weather-Sense (meteorology) G4: 209 Avg IQ-5 4 +1 IQ 16 2
Able to figure out approximate weather patterns in the near future.
Search G4: 219 Avg Per -5 1 -1 Per 14
Search people, baggage, and vehicles for things that aren't in plain sight.
Climbing G4: 183 Avg DX -5 2 0 DX 12 1
Climb mountains, rock walls, trees, sides of buildings, etc. Add penalty for encumbrance.
Karate G4: 203 Hard None 12 +2 DX 14
The Biancan order teaches both pacifism and self-reliance. Hense, she was taught karate so she could defend herself or anyone in her care; she uses only her own body, not relying on any foreigh objects.
Naturalist G4: 211 Hard IQ-6; Biology-3 1 -2 IQ 13 1
Practical knowledge of nature. Recognize dangerous plants and animals from safe ones, locate caves that are safe to shelter in, a little weather knowledge. Required for Herb Lore.
Herb Lore G4: 199 V Hard None 8 0 IQ 15 2
Manufacture herbal concoctions that have magical effects; healing balms, love potions, etc. Note that she used to have "Herbalism", which was somewhere between this and Naturalist. Herb Lore requires Naturalist. Gavin needs to tell me how to fix this.
First-Aid G4: 195 Easy IQ-5
4 +2 IQ 17 3
Once/injury only, before anything else (except diagnostics). Anyone (w/o FA skill): 30 minutes will net a +1 (and stabilization). Anyone (w/ FA skill): 1d6-2, immediate.
Physician G4: 213 Hard IQ-7
First Aid-11
12 +2 IQ 17 3
Diagnosis G4: 187 Hard IQ-6
First Aid-8
8 +1 IQ 16
Figure out what's wrong with a sick or injured person, or what killed a dead person.
Surgery G4: 223 V Hard First Aid-12
8 0 IQ 15
Invasive medical techniques to treat sickness or injury.
Psychic Healing
Page Pts Skill ATs
Psychic Healing Talent G4: 256 5 Level 1 N/A
+1 to use any healing ability. -10% for the point cost of any healing ability.
Healing G4: 59 27 IQ 16 1
G4: 108: Reduced Fatigue Points 12 -2FP N/A
Must be in physical contact. Concentrate for 1 second and make a roll (-2 if the subject is unconscious). On a success, she can heal any number of HP at a cost to her of 1 FP per 2 HP healed (rounded up) - 1 FP (red. fp).
Failure costs her 1d FP, but she can try again. Critical failure also cause the recipient 1d HP. By rolling at -6, she can heal a crippled but whole limb if she heals all the damage. Missing limbs cannot be restored, nor can the dead be brought back to life.
She can also cure disease at a roll with a GM-set modifier to account for the difficulty of the disease.The FP cost to her is twice the penalty.
If used more than once in a 24-hour period on the same person of the same type (disease or injury), add a -3 cumulative penalty to the roll. The penalty is not reset until 24 hours after the last healing.
Special Note: She can buy a reduced fatigue cost (G4: 108) at +20% per level (20% of 27 points = 6 points per 1FP reduction).
Recover Energy See G4: 55, 248, 256 25 IQ 16; Lvl 2 N/A
The Recover Energy psionic healing ability has two levels. Level 1 costs 15 points; Level 2 costs 25 (including the -10% discount).
At Level 1, you recover FP points used psionically (but not physically) at half the noraml rate (1 per 5 minutes).
At Level 2, you recover at 1 per 2 minutes.
No additional levels, no other benefits.
Detect Poison See G4: 48 9 IQ 16
The Detect advantage lets you pick a class of things to detect for, in this case, poisons. It's a sense roll (G4-258), which is perception-based and can be affected by some sort of Acute Sense to improve the roll. Herb lore, Diagnosis, and Physician might also improve the roll. GM's call.
Neutralize Poison See G4: 59, 48, 256 & Gurps Magic:50 15 IQ 16
The Neutralize Poison psionic healing ability costs 15 points (again, count the 10% discount already there). You have to have Detect Poison first. Use it like the Healing ability: roll against Healing to see if you succeed or fail. Costs 5 FP (and the GM can add or subtract depending on the strength of the poison or whatever).
Using the Book
Rune Dif Pts Modifiers Target ATs
Dispell Demon Hard 0 -3 ?? 3
Dispells a demon of some sort. Didn't work on tentacle monster.
Sleep Hard 2 -1 Loy 5
Puts the target to sleep. So far, it's only worked on Prestley.
Cause Harm Hard 2 -1 Charm 9
Do 1d damage to target. Worked like a charm on the tentacle monster.

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Karate Skill Roll
Damage Parry
Type Amount Reach
Punch 14 Thrust 1d6 1,2 10 9
Kick 12 Crushing 1d6 1
Hit Points
Total 14 Status 14

Other Notes

About Health and Death

Once you're below 0, your move is half, and you roll against your Sta to stay conscious every round. Once you're past -(your hit points), roll every hit to survive. Once you're -(5*your hit points), you're dead. Every time you cross a threshold of your hit points, you must roll to stay alive or die.

Using the Crystal of Air

  • Automatic:
    • She is not affected by any wind she conjures up.
    • She can breathe anywhere, in any environment (under water, vaccuum, etc.)
    • Protection from earth elementals
    • Detect other crystals.
  • Conjuring:
    • Small gust of wind that can move small objects such as doors
    • Tornadoes
    • She can fly
    • Ongoing, controllable blast of wind (about 48 yards range) hits 1 character or a group in a small area. It continues as long as she concentrates on it, and she can direct it.

Air elementals are iffy and not to be trusted. Not that she trusts the rock anyway.

An attempt to use the Crystal requires a Willpower roll. If she fails, interesting things happen over which she has no control.

Ravenna, A Monk of the Biancan Order

Part the First:
Blood and Mud

Part the Second:
Murder and Mayhem

Part the Third:
Puzzles and Crystals

Part the Fourth:
Dwarves and Rocks

Part the Fifth:
Diplomacy and Daggers

Part the Sixth:
Crystal and Chaos

Part the Seventh:
Sheer Insanity

~ The End ~